Top 10 Motivational Quotes in English 2022

Hello friends, in this post I’m going to write the “top 10 Motivational Quotes in English“, “best english quotes for dp“. There is a great need for motivation in life. 
One should keep taking inspiration from every human being. You can take a good inspiration from a loser or a winner both because he has gone through that thing before so he will guide you on the right path. I’ve focused more on Life’s Quotes. I hope you will like these 
“Following Quotes are the root of success” 


Top 10 Motivational Quotes in English

Motivational Quotes on Desire

Desires has to fulfil
Stairs are not only to Climb Up
But also to Come Down
And Desire is not only for Dream
But also to Crown


Think About Your Nature

Don’t think
About your Future
Just think
About your Nature
As your Nature
Decides your Future
quotes on nature

Learn From Mistakes

Don’t Worry about Mistakes
Lets Assure
As the Success is Sure
Learn from Mistakes
Because experience emerges
As Happiness Lakes
Keep Happy Keep Smiling
Being Self-confident in Feeling
learn from mistake quotes

A True Worship Of Country

Worship of a Country is 1000 times
better than the Worship of God
As it is the Country which provides
you food, shelter & escape from Fraud
worshup of country quotes

Never Lose Your Courage

None is Perfect in the World
Can be Perfect after Death
But never lose your Courage
Struggle till your last Breath
none is perfect quotes

A Good Use of Knowledge

Knowledge is not for Proud & bad Deed
It’s for good deed to change the Society
& profitable for all creatures in the World
So that on every moment all will be Happy
right use of knowledge quotes

Make Enemy As Friend

There should be Positive Thought on
your enemy who ever think Negative on you
Because why they think that’s not Matter a lot
How you can change their Negative Thoughts
To Positive forever being Friend that Matter a lot
life positive quotes

Priority of Things in Job

When you are in Job then
There is not best Friend except Work
Just provide priority to Work
So that have no to say my bad Luck
love your work quotes

A True Friend Is Better

People feel very proud when they have a number of Friend
But this is the reality of Life that 99 of them are Selfish
who never want to help you nor want to Defend
So, forget any Expectation  from Friend
real friend matters quotes

Being Self-dependent

The World is Selfish So, be on Self-dependent
Never ask anybody for Help even in so difficult Situation
Because believing anybody is just like Imagination
world is selfish quotes
Thanks for reading. If you think these are useful Motivational English Quotes then you can share with friends and families.

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