13 Best Quotes of Life in English | Popular Motivational Quotes of 2021

 Hello Friends, In this post, I’m going to write “Popular Motivational Quotes of 2021“. The special moment starts of life in any day is morning. If your morning start is good then your whole day will be super and for you. So, you can follow these motivational quotes to change yourself to get success in life. 

In this I have mention about life quotes, positive quotes, smile quotes, family quotes, happiness quotes, karma quotes, beautiful quotes etc.


Attitude Matters A Lot

Language provides Communication
But Attitude provides a good Relation
So, keep strong your Attitude
To enjoy ever in happy Mood

None Can Improve Us 
Self Improvement is better than any Movement


You Have To Think Yourself

Keep ever deep Confident 
On Self more than Other
Because there is none 
To think about your Future

None like Suggestion

Mind is not Upset when there is Depression
Depression is there where there is Suggestion

Changes Required Condition

Never change for Those
Who can’t change for You
Change for those who have
More Respect in their View

Students Required Morality

The Child which has no Morality
That cannot be a Student
That is one year old Infant
Who has no Knowledge about
This World even one Percent

Challenge Is Necessary

I like Challenge
I love Challenge
Because Challenge means
To Change the Range
Become the Strange

Who Are Writers

Not every Writer is a Writer
A writer is that who Thinks
Because most of them Copy
And provides reference as Links

Who Is True Writer?

A True Writer is not that who Writes only
But is that who can express his Feelings Truly
There is no Matter of anybody Privacy
If there is then the World can’t exist Actually

Way Of Life

Thinking & Writing are the Way of my Life
If I stop so then my Brain will start Boring
And there will be no chance left for Caring
That’s the start of my whole Body Hanging

Learning Required Condition

If you want to Learn Anything from Someone
First of all be Polite be Respectful keep Passion
Because from whom you are Learning they have done
Whatever have not to done but dedicated to Learn

Life’s True Who is Wife?

A lot of People come in Life
Some come for you and go
That is known as Girlfriend
Means not possible life End
Some come for Themselves
Means they are super Selfish
But one who come for you
Still with you for whole Life
That is known as Wife

Truth is Forever

True Love True Friend
That Relation Never End


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